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使用CD4069非门电路制作的调频话筒(英文),FM Transmitter Using Logic Gates

作者:佚名    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2017-6-3

使用CD4069非门电路制作的调频话筒(英文),FM Transmitter Using Logic Gates


This is a FM Transmitter circuit. This circuit uses logic gates. This transmitter circuit has a RF oscillator. This oscillator uses 10.7Mhz ceramic filter and inverter N2 to drive the parallel combination of N4 to N6 through N3. Here is the circuit:

The output impedance will be low because these inverters are in parallel, so an aerial of 1/4h wavelength can be driven directly. There would be a lot of harmonics in the output of N4-N6 because the output of N4 to N6 is square wave. The 9th harmonics of 10.7Mhz (96.3Mhz) will hence be at the center of the FM band. As an audio amplifier, this circuit uses N1. It will amplify audio signals from the microphone and fed it to varycap diode. The capacitance of the varycap is varied by the signal that will vary the oscillator frequency that produce Frequency Modulation.

这是一个调频发射机电路。该电路采用逻辑门。该发射机电路具有射频振荡器。该振荡器采用10.7mhz陶瓷滤波器和非门N2驱动并联组合N6通过N4 N3。这里是电路:
由于这些非门并联,所以输出阻抗很低,因此可以直接驱动1/4波长的天线。会有很多谐波在n4-n6输出由于输出N4 N6是方波。第九次谐波的10.7兆赫(96.3mhz)会因此在FM频段的中心。作为音频放大器,该电路采用N1。它会放大来自麦克风的音频信号和变容二极管。该变电容的信号,将改变振荡器的频率,产生不同的频率调制。


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